Transformation Energywork

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 23: My Last Day Is Also My FIrst

Every time you have a last you also have a first. Tomorrow is the end of August and the last day of my commitment that I made to not eat any sugar for the month of August. Tomorrow is also the first day of the rest of my life of committing to live what I now know is truth for me and honoring my body, mind, and spirit. I now have pure knowledge that sugar does not serve me in any way, except for maybe the few minutes I am enjoying whatever I am eating. After truly experiencing life without sugar and the payoff that has come with it I don't want to go back, I only want to move forward. I have discovered and learned what I really was choosing by thinking it was impossible to totally give it up. That what I was really choosing was moods swings, anxiety, feeling negative about myself, low energy, and still not feeling enough. I don't choose to live that way anymore. I choose to be whole. This doesn't mean that I don't still make plenty of mistakes, have lots to learn, and that I won't still have an off day here and there. It does mean that for the first time I really love me, stretch marks, freckles, varicose veins and all. It means that I am able to feel my Heavenly Fathers love, and that all he truly wants for me is joy. It means that I no longer experience feeling a hole inside of not being enough. I am enough by just being me, imperfections and all, and that has been a huge gift to discover.

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