Transformation Energywork

Friday, August 10, 2012

Candida Diet Day 5

I am finding that this really isn't that hard until dinner and now I WANT A PAPA MURPHY"S GARLIC CHICKEN PIZZA!!!! It's friday night and Russ and I want to go out to eat. I am honestly not that excited about the possibility of a salad tonight. It would also be really fun to watch the closing ceremony of the olympics with my famous crunchy carmel popcorn.  However it is really paying off. Today I wrote in my journal, I feel so empowered and excited about life I can hardly stand it.! Today I can’t put into words the difference in mood, attitude, and temperament I feel.  I didn’t realize how grumpy I felt a lot of the time.  No wonder the first time Jack (my nephew that lived with us for 7 years) went to my parents house and saw a picture of me he said, "Scoot (my nickname) come here." Than he pointed to a picture on the wall and said, " LOOK!" I said, " I know that is a picture of me in 10th grade."  He said, "Ya, but you are smiling!" Negative thoughts used to always be running through my head, and it was difficult to get it out.  Now if a negative thought pops into my head, it is easy to pop it out of there. I am also feeling so much more connected to spirit, and God. I FEEL GREAT!  I AM THINKING GREAT!   I AM WHOLE!  I LIKE ME and that is a great space to be in!