Transformation Energywork

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 22: Thoughts...Ally or Enemy?

It has been interesting over these last 28 days to observe the chatter that goes through my head.  What I allow myself to believe really becomes my reality whether it is truth or not.  For instance the battle that went on in my head yesterday while I was eating lunch at The Harvest Restaurant at Thanksgiving Point.  I looked on the menu for a salad that didn't have fruit in it, and if I asked them to leave out the tomatoes, would still have lots of yummy stuff in it.  Well, I can't remember the name of what I ordered, but when it came and I started to dig into it, I realized that even though I asked them to leave the tomatoes out, it was chock full of sauteed peppers and onions.  The conversation in my head started.  Janette you have gone practically a month without peppers,  why not just let go and enjoy the salad peppers and all, after all you have been sooo good you deserve a treat. (I do love roasted peppers).  Then, the next thought.  Janette you have come this far and who knows if you give in you might undo everything you have worked so hard at, besides, you only need to go three more weeks and your body should be rid of Epstein Barr. Next thought, well alot of doctors say that their is no cure and it is impossible to get rid of, what if you are doing all this for nothing.  Next thought, ya, but you will never know unless you give it your all, and just think of how good it feels when you look back on a tough moment and you didn't give in and how much personal power you gain each time.  Well that was the end of the battle and I ate around the peppers. What does your self talk say? It really can be quite entertaining.

Today hasn't been a day of creating yummy things to eat, except for the peach pie which I made Russ. I purposely made it with sugar so that I would leave it alone.  My neighbor has a peach tree and doesn't like peaches. Can you imagine!?  So she said I could have all I wanted.  I am going to dehydrate some tomorrow.  Monday I made a peach pie using Stevia  as the sweetener.  My family didn't seem to know that it wasn't sugar.   Yes, I didn't quite make it the full three weeks without fruit. To many yummy things this time of year.  I have been good about sugar, bread, cheese, tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers though, so I feel really good about that.

I started off the day eating a small zucchini out of my garden. Then I ate lunch with my friend Margaret at  her assisted living center. They served some delicious tilapia and coleslaw.  I left the mac and cheese, biscuit and brownie on my plate. :) To many simple carbs.  Snacked on some tortilla chips, a few peach slices, and a slice of cantalope.  Tonight I had left over Chicken, Broccoli, Rice, with Curry Sauce.

Tomorrow is my last day of this challenge.  Time sure flies when you are learning lots. I will continue to blog once a week about lessons I'm learning, yummy healthy recipes I have found, and ways to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit. If you want to continue to follow my blog become a follower by entering your e-mail in the box at the top right.


  1. My self talk is very much like yours, but I usually end up going on the devil's side. I'm bad that way!

    1. You are not bad, you just get to not let all those lies your mind is telling you get the best of you.
