Transformation Energywork

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Candida Diet Day 4

Wow! Well 9 days without sugar and 4 days of no dairy, bread, and fruit is paying off! Can I just tell you how amazing it is not to feel that mental foggy feeling, to not be draggin butt all day looking forward to when 9:00 comes and I can call it day. To sit down to study in the morning and actually be learning and growing because my mind is alert and awake.  BIG PAYOFF! Infact when night comes I get out my kindle and read till I'm tired because I'm really not that sleepy, my body is tired, but it is a-- it's time to give my body a rest tired, not fall into bed exhausted and hope the alarm clock never rings in the morning tired.

In the past this is about the time that I would quit  because I'm feeling better and my mind starts to chatter that it won't hurt to have just a little of the foods that I have committed not to eat for three weeks. But this is where I get another payoff. This time when the thought of quitting enters my mind it doesn't stay there for even a second because I know I can't look at myself in the mirror this time and feel good about my integrity if I quit right now. This really is my truth and I am owning it and it is really empowering to not buy into my excuses anymore. The story in my mind becomes the story of my life and this time my story is not going to be that of a quitter!

It also makes me realize how yucky I was really feeling.  I think so often feeling yucky and sluggish happens so gradually that we think that it is normal to feel that way. And when our body does try and tell us that we need to address something we take a Tylenol,  an antacid, or grab something with caffeine in it.  It makes me sad how many people let their health get to the point where they can hardly function before they start to ask questions and begin to do something about it and even then they usually go to the doctor who gives them something for the symptoms instead of figuring out what created the problem in the first place.  Don't get me wrong,  doctors definately do good in this world, but alot of doctors I see don't look any healthier than thier patients.  Enough of my soap box.

Bob's Red Mill 5 Grain Rolled Hot Cereal
This morning I decided I would actually make me some breakfast instead of just grabbing a cucumber or carrot on the run.  It has been quite awhile since I had hot cereal so even though it is 100 degrees outside it actually sounded good.  I added a teaspoon of cinnamon, which besides adding yumminess it is really good for digestion, and some stevia, a natural sweetener you can find at the grocery store. It was very filling and really stuck with me. I ate it at 8:00 and I didn't even think about food till 1:30. (I was with clients so that helped) Then I just kinda grazed throughout the day on triscuits, cucumbers, almonds till I had Hearty Veggie Soup and a Spinich Wrap  at about 6:30.

Hearty Veggie Soup:
Chop up the following vegetables: yellow squash, zuccini, 2 med carrots, onion, and 2 celery stalks. Cook them in enough chicken broth to cover (make sure it doesn't have MSG in it, this has been linked to alot of allergies as well as migraines) along with frozen peas, and a can of Garbonzo Beans, 1/2 T onion powder, 1 tsp garlic powder, 1 T Italian seasoning and salt to taste.
In the past I also add a green pepper and a can of diced Italian tomatoes, and few drops of Tabasco sauce. I didn't today as those are not good if you are getting rid of Epstein Barr. 

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