Transformation Energywork

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 17: Supplement Support

Part of wellness is being aware of and tuning into your body when it is trying to tell you something.  So often we ignore the early warning signs that something is out of balance, we are tired, fatigued, have digestion issues, or headaches, or aches and pains and we just mask them with tylenol, energy drinks, or rolaids.  I have learned to be aware of enough of my body to know that my being tired all the time, and wishing I could have a nap every afternoon, and having the blah's all the time that it wasn't just part of being in my 40's, or just stress, that something was really not right. I'm glad I listened and tuned into the fact that my body is carrying the Epstein Barr virus, before it became debilitating.  So many times something is going on and we go see a Doctor and they just give us something for the symptoms, in this case I know they would have just given me an anti-depressant, which might have leveled out my mood, but would not  have addressed anything else. So instead I called a homeopathic practitioner, and she got right to the root of the issue. She also told me what to do to give my body the support it needed to get well.  From left to right this is what she recommeded:
Vitamin D: assists with alot of different functions in your body and something doctors are even starting to screen for when you get a physical.
Immune Strenthen: Pretty self expanitory
Spiralina: This assists with keeping blood sugar stable, as it is a great source of protein, it is also a great source of iodine for Thyroid issues.
Vitex:  A great help for PMS and other women issues
Red Raspberry Leaves: Also supports womens hormones
Licorice Root: Supports adrenal function
B-Stress:  B vitamins are critial for energy, mental clarity, depression, and a long list of other things. Most people need extra of this because of the stressful world we live in.
Lysine- Kills viruses
Parasite Cleanse- Supports digestion and rids your digestive tract of unwanted organisms
Burdock- Liver support
B-12: Supports adrenals and gives you energy.

Each week I just fill each day of the box full so taking these vitamins to support my healing is a no brainer.

Todays Menu: 
Breakfast: Two stalks of celery and scrambled eggs
Lunch: Tuna, Green Salad, Sweet potoato fries ( They do turn out crispier when you cook them in the oven)
Dinner: Chicken marianated in Italian dressing, wild rice, and a vegetable salad.

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