Transformation Energywork

Monday, September 10, 2012

Is Life Giving You What You Desire?

Out thoughts, our beliefs and our actions is what creates our lives by the vibration that we put out. Because of the natural Law of the Harvest, also known as  Karma or the Law of Attraction, what we consciously, or unconsciously put out is also what we get back from life only magnified. 

This was demonstrated by an experiment called the Ripple Effect that I read about recently in the book To Him That Believeth, by Frederick and June Babbel.  He says, "One of the students challenged my suggestion that our thoughts and feelings are projected to those around us and will likewise result in an increased return of good or ill. He and his companions volunteered to conduct an experiment to prove that I was mistaken about such things. I invited them to bring their results to the concluding session two weeks later.

When they returned, they sketched briefly on the blackboard a diagram of their experiment. They had taken a piece of heavy plank, and on top of it they had mounted a seismograph. Underneath they had suspended a sonar sounding device like that used on ships to detect underwater disturbances.

They placed this equipment well out in one of their man-made lakes. Then they took a large boulder and threw it so it landed in the water near this device. The seismograph registered the splash, the waves, and even the ripples as they disappeared along the shoreline.

The students continued to focus their binoculars on the seismograph. In a little while the recording needle began to move in an ever-increasing intensity. The monitoring tape showed the final register to be almost three times the intensity of the register of the splash. They concluded that the ripples to the shoreline had returned under water back to the rock, the original source of the energy. The sonar system in the water indicated that the force that returned to the rock had been multiplied approximately three times.

They concluded that since the principle applies to inanimate objects (such as the rock), it would surely apply to thoughts and feelings, which scientific instruments have recorded as producing measurable amounts of energy.

When I teach my classes one of the things I do to demonstrate this principle is to have someone come up to the front of the room. I hold up a piece of paper that the person upfront can't see that say's I hate you, you are ugly, you are dumb and ask the class to project these thoughts toward the person in front. I then ask them to hold their arm out to the side and tell them to hold strong, meaning resist letting me push your arm down. The person will always go weak. Then I will hold a sign up that says I love you, you are beautiful, you are amazing and ask the class to project that towards the person in front. This time when I push down on the persons arm they are able to resist me and I can't push their arm down. It is a perfect example of how our thoughts affect ourselves as well as others.

Based on these two experiments it would seem that if we want to change something in our lives  all we have to do is change our thoughts and beliefs about it and that will change our actions, which will attract to us the result we want, right. Easier said than done. We have a thing called a subconscious mind that can get in our way.  Our subconscious mind is where we store all our beliefs and emotions about life. There are many things stored there that can trigger emotions and actions that we are not even aware of.  If there is a false belief in our subconscious mind around what we are trying to create it will sabotage you every time.  Many times that belief and the negative emotions surrounding it was created by an event that happened that we have totally forgotten about, but is still affecting our lives today. The good news is that through energy work it is easy to pinpoint the emotion that is sabotaging you and clear it, without having to go through the drama, and/or trauma of the event.  Most of the time the persons subconscious mind knows it is affecting their life in a negative way and they are so tired of the results that it is creating and is more than happy to let it go. Infact, the only time I have seen it  not be ready is when there is resentment or bitterness involved and the person thinks they are punishing the person by holding onto it. Many times after this is released my client will comment how much lighter and better they feel.

An example of this that showed up in my life was around my birthday. A friend of mine wanted to take me to lunch and then go shopping and buy me something new.  I was fine to go to lunch with her, but I was having a hard time letting her take me shopping and especially to buy me stuff. I knew in my head that it was what friends do and that if it were her birthday I would want to do the same for her, but in my heart I felt pure panic at the thought of it. Because of my training in energy work I realized that there had to be something from my past that was creating this feeling of panic.  The more I thought about it I realized that I had a really hard time asking for help, or receiving things from others.  If I ever thought that I had put someone out I would feel terrible, to the point you would think I had committed a huge sin.   I did some energy work around this and realized that the emotions I was storing were about never wanting to be a burden or  a task to someone came from when I was a brand new baby. I remembered that when I was born my mother got very sick and the women in my church took care of me during the day, and my older sisters took care of me after school and on the weekends. I am not sure exactly how long this went on, but I know it went on for quite a few months.  As you can imagine over time the excitement over having a new baby wore off and they took care of me because they had to, not because they wanted to.  As a baby I felt and took on their emotions that they were putting out and it was still affecting my ability to have a healthy relationship with others clear into my 40's.  The good news is that my subconscious mind was ready and waiting to let all those emotions go and I was able to clear them energetically.  Now when someone wants to serve me I am fine with it. It feels good and I can actually appreciate it and be in gratitude for it.

Recently, a client of mine I will call Diane came to me because she was very unhappy and knew she had alot of stuck negative emotions that were affecting her self worth and her relationship with her kids and husband.  As we worked to identify what the issue was not trusting herself came up. We then identified that an event that happened when she was 15 was the root of this emotion. Without going into to much detail she made a decision that later she felt wase a huge mistake and has created alot of grief in her life created the false belief that she was unable to make good decisions. A few years later when she got married and ended up getting a divorce further added to this belief. She realized that because she was so afraid to make another mistake that she was giving all her power away to others. She didn't know who she was,  like who she was, or have any idea what she wanted to do with her life.  It was so fun to help her realize how she had let this bad experience affect her life, and feel all the  heaviness in her leave as we cleared it. It also came up in the session that the reason she made those bad choices was because she was pleasing other people instead of listening to her own voice and finding her own answers.

If there are things in your life that you are feeling frustrated by, is it a possibility that a false belief is at the root of it?

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