Transformation Energywork

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 20: Anyone can do this!

I have heard alot of people say that they know that they need to cut down on or give up sugar because they know it isn't serving them mentally or spiritually, but it is just too hard. Giving up any addiction is never easy, but it can be done by taking the following steps.

1. Find your Why.  You can do anything if why you are doing it is important enough to you. Sit down and really get real with the price you are paying by hanging onto it. What emotional price are you paying? What physical price are you paying, or could pay down the road? What is it really costing you in real dollars. I have a brother in law who lost 60 lbs. just by giving up his Coke habit. Besides lowering his blood sugar he figured it saved him over $60.00 per month! (Read about my WHY's on Day 14.)

2. Ask yourself, what does it do for you emotionally?  Does it bring you comfort? Does it remind you of home? Do you do it to avoid dealing with issues in your life? Is it an escape? Or is there an event or an emotion subconsciously attached to it that you are not even aware of? Our subconscious mind is more powerful than our conscious mind and believe it or not is really makes the decisions in our lives based off the emotional response to that decision.  Through energy work it is easy to figure out what emotions are tied to it. If you are ready to let go of them we can just clear them out. (Read more about that and other peoples experiences by clicking on Transformation Body & Energy work above.) If you aren't ready to let go, it at least creates an awareness and can start the process of what ever you need to to get to the point that you can let it go.

3. Find healthier alernatives to the foods you have been eating.  If you love icecream, make a smoothie. If you love potatoe chips, make popcorn and go light on the butter. If you just need to munch try celery or apples with peanut butter,  carrots and cucumbers, and raw nuts.  Or if there is a certain time of day that is harder, change your routine and go for a walk instead of going to the pantry. The easiest way to avoid something you know doesn't serve your body is to just not have it around. Another key to avoiding cravings is to eat a good low carb, low glycemic breakfast, and don't let your self get hungry by eating several small meals a day.

4.  Give your body the nutrition it needs. Processing sugar is very stressful on the body and uses up a lot of it vitamin and minerals. Having a deficiency in these vitamins will only make the cravings worse. Also if you suffer from Candida or low blood sugar, you will have a lot more intense cravings especially if it gives you a little pick me up in the afternoon. But also tune into the let down, drop you on fanny feeling you get about a half hour to an hour later.  When your body is balanced and has the nutrition it needs it is tons easier to stay away from food that doesn't serve you, and eat food that does. Through muscle testing and tuning into your subconscious mind, you can ask your body what foods serve it the most and which foods you are sensitive or allergic to.

Any small step in the right direction is the beginning of the journey to better health and well being.

I am back to feeling great and I had awesome energy all day! The highlight was that DINNER WAS A BIG SCORE!!!!!!! EVERYONE LIKED IT! I made....
 Broccoli Rice with Curry Sauce.

2 cups of Brown rice, I had to use white as I have not converted my family to Brown rice yet cooked in chicken broth.
3 chicken breasts (cooked and chopped)
14 oz. milk
2 Tbsp Cornstarch
2 tsp. Curry
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/2 cup fresh parsley (1Tbsp dried)
1 1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp garlic powder
3 stems fresh broccoli cut into bitesize pieces
1 Tbsp lemon juice
8 oz mushrooms

Cook rice according to package directions. Cook Chicken and saute mushrooms in coconut oil. Bring about 1 inch of water to a boil and then put broccoli in and steam for two to three min. Meanwhile in a blender, blend milk, curry, cornstarch, garlic powder, and salt. Drain water off broccoli and pour mixture in with broccoli to thicken. Adding the  cilantro and parsley. Then add rice and chicken and lemon juice, stir together and serve.

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