Transformation Energywork

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Candida Diet Day 12: Gum is my friend

 It has been 19 days without sugar. What do I do when I have a sweet tooth, but am committed to not eating sugar? Trident gum, sweetened with Xylotol.  It gives me something to chew that's sweet, keeps my mouth busy and I'm good.  What isn't good is when you are chewing gum in the temple to keep you awake and you realize you are absent mindedly blowing bubbles. OOOOPS!

Today started off with making a veggie tray for the Hursts wedding luncheon, so it was an easy choice to have veggies for breakfast. Very convenient to just munch carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, and celery as I made the tray. Lunch was a hamberger with sliced avocado, and pickles, wrapped in lettuce for the bun.  About 4:00 I had a piece of the zucchini cake I made yesterday, (I sweetened it with stevia, which balances your blood sugar), but I'm wondering if the whole wheat flour didn't agree with me because I got sleepy, and (can't believe I'm gonna admit this) gassy when I went to the temple this afternoon. TMI?  If your stomach bloats and you get gas when you eat something with wheat, it is a good indicator your body is having issues with it. Definitely, something I get to keep in moderation. I will know I've got my body figured out when I can get through a session at the temple and not get sleepy.  After the temple we went to  the Hurst's wedding reception.  It has been so fun to see four different types of weddings this month.  Grateful, none of my boys are at that point in their lives. I am not ready! I did drool a little over the cream puffs, but I kept them at bay by focusing on chatting with Teri Ball, Lori Smith, and Lorianne Thatcher. When I got home I had the last piece of zucchini cake (my family loved it! YEA!) and some plain popcorn.

Any body else have veggies for breakfast this morning??  Would love to hear some of your thoughts in the comments below.

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