Transformation Energywork

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Candida Diet Day 9

So today  I took a great friend, to lunch and didn't realize the salad had shredded cheese on it. So I picked out what I could and ate the rest, oh well, that will happen from time to time, and I just get to do the best I can. Which is all we can do in all areas of our life that we are striving to improve. :)

This morning my awesome body (if you talk nice and appreciate your body, it will be nice back) decided 4:30 was the perfect time to wake up and be alert, I tried to talk it into some more zzzz'z but no luck, so I got up at 5:00 and read and studied till it was time to go running with my awesome friend and running buddy, Marceia Castleman. We did around three miles today and ran most of the way. :) My energy level and stamina running was pretty good considering we pushed it alot harder than we had been and 1/2 of our route is up hill.

My energy level today I has not been level of energy I have been experiencing for the past week since day 3.  On a scale from 1 - 10, 1 being drop dead, draggin butt, tired and 10 being the energy of a duracell battery, which is honestly have I have been feeling, I was at a 6 or 7 today. Wondering if it is just my body cleansing this virus and yeast out of it. I do  have a nasty cancer sore in my mouth (cancers are caused by a virus), and they say when you are cleansing you will still feel fatigued and achy as it gets released out of your body, so today that is the cause I am going with.

Today I tried a few more recipes out of The Green Smoothie  Girls 8 week menu planner. I made
Whole Grain Couscous with Vegetables

 Only I substituted quinuoa for the couscous, because that is what I had. I was super grateful I listened to the little voice that said, "you should by that  small Food Processor that is only $7.00", at
Smith's yesterday. It made making this dish a cinch.  It has carrots, green peppers (I made me some separate from the family without peppers) and green onions that are chopped so fine they really don't have a crunch so when you eat the dish you don't feel like you are eating raw veggies. The good news about eating whole foods, preferably raw,  is you get all the flavor without losing the nutrients and enzymes.  Then I added  fresh parsley and cilantro, which I also chopped up in the food processor, so slick! Added a can of black beans and cumin and sea salt and mixed all that together with the quinoa. Made the yummy dressing and mixed that in and wallah, it was done and ready to eat.  Unfortunately no one else was home to test it on, but I enjoyed it.  I also made Robyn's Granola out of the same book. Again was grateful that I had the food processor to chop the pecans, raw almonds and cashews I added. Very easy to make. It is sweetened with honey and molasses and the fat is coconut oil. It turned out super yummy. Way excited about that. I am not going to post the recipes because I don't feel that would be in integrity with Robyns, copyright. But she has a special right now that if you go to to by her book and put 8weeks (no space) in the coupon code you save $3.00.

I am learning that eating a whole food diet isn't really that hard, it just takes being open to a new perspective on food and what it is supposed to look like and be prepared like to taste good. One of my favorite quotes says, "A new way of seeing creates a new way of being." My intention is that as I am willing to look at eating differently that I will feel differently and be more healthy and have more vitality.

Thanks to the few people that have become followers!  Would love to have some more also if you have any suggestions or ideas that would make this even more informative I would love to hear them. Just put them in the comments below.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Green Smoothie Girl! We have been on the same wave length for awhile now.
