Transformation Energywork

Friday, August 17, 2012

Candida Diet Day 11: God gave us the best snacks!

When you cut sugar, bread, dairy, potatoes, fruit, tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes out of your diet many people ask me what else is there?  Lots of things!!!!  God gave us the best snacks we could eat and everything is already packaged ready to go! Most cucumbers, if watered good and picked fresh, taste good with the skin on. Carrots, you really don't need to peel them. I think that is one of those beliefs that has just been passed down from generation to generation as the thing to do, but really isn't necessary. Just curious, has anyone tried it, or have you just assumed it would taste yucky without being peeled? Celery just pull it off the stock and bite right into it. Add some peanut butter, preferably the kind with out hydrogenated oils, and you have a super quick easy filling snack. Even zucchini if you pick it when it is a little smaller than a cucumber is yummy raw.  Corn on the cob, yum, yum yum. Just cut the fat end off of it, leave it in it's husk, put  it in the microwave for three minutes, shuck and you have a tasty treat, and all the vitamins and minerals are still in there. Unlike when you boil it and all nutrients end up in the water. In my opinion, if you get sweet corn, you really don't even need butter or salt, it is yummy all by it's self.  Sugar peas, ummmmm, can't say enough about eating fresh sugar peas. Just pick and eat. Then you've got raw almonds, pecans, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. Those are all so easy to grab, quick and easy.

If your not trying to eliminate everything that feeds yeast, like me and cutting fruit out of your diet for three weeks, fruit is even better. Bananas, apples, and oranges come in their own unique packaging, so easy to throw in a bag or purse to enjoy when the munchies hit.   Much better than chips, or cookies, or even a granola bar, which I hate to break it to you is really no different than a cookie. 

 In fact I was talking with my workout friends Leilani Merrill, and Marciea Castleman this morning, who have also committed to go the month of August with no sugar, and we all realized that a great payoff to going without sugar is we don't get the munchies like we used to!

So here is my challenge.  For just two days, eat raw veggies for breakfast instead of that cold, sugary cereal, or pancakes with syrup, or a pop tart or doughnut or even, heaven forbid nothing, and pay attention to your energy level, and clarity of thinking.  I would bet you a free massage that most of you would notice a difference.

So what have I been chowing on today?  I started off the day with some homemade granola, no milk, and a raw zucchini. I had a couple handfuls of pumpkin seeds around 11:00. About 1:30 I ate the left over tilapia from the two nights before. I did eat a few tortilla chips while I was making dinner. Dinner was Chicken Fahitas with homemade salsa. A big bummer for me to make salsa for my family and not partake but oh well. Mine consisted of chicken cooked in taco seasoning, sauteed onions (in grapeseed oil, great flavor, and an awesome source of vitamin E), avocado, and spinach. I also broke down and decided to make a dessert tonight. I made zucchini cake, with whole wheat flour and stevia for sweetener.  I kinda just had to guess on how much stevia (a natural sweetener, that actually balances your blood sugar and is two to three times as sweet as sugar) to put in it so it was a little too sweet for my taste. I still need to tweak the recipe before I post it. First time I have had any kind of a dessert since I started this.  Sadly, I realized I was a little ornery with Russ (he is such a saint to put up with me for 25 years), at Sam Ball's wedding tonight, wondering if it was the wheat or the fact that I have been staying up later than normal this week. 

Soooo anyone up to the challenge of being totally weird and eating raw veggies for breakfast?  I am serious about the free massage if you don't notice a difference.

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