Transformation Energywork

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Today was another cleansing day. Kinda felt achy all over and my energy level was  slugglish.  Hope this goes away soon! Anyone that's been there know what to expect?

 It was just Leilani Merrill and I that showed up to workout today, so we decided to walk instead of do step. Leilani is one of those people that you know has come into your life for a reason. She is great friend and easy to talk to. I have learned so much from her about parenting, patience, obedience and looking at things with perspective when things are hard. It's funny when we started to become friends because we both commented that we had looked at the other person and thought that it would be neat to get to know them better and become friends, but both thought the other person wouldn't really like us. It just goes to show you that when you prejudge and assume you are usually wrong.

My sister clued me into the fact that the video I posted on Day 3 didn't work so I am re-posting it here. I called it Taking Out The Mental Trash Day, because all the emotional stuff that usually sabotages me was coming up. However, I won this time!

What was the menu today? Well, this morning I had an avocado about 8:30, yeah I am weird, but that is what sounded good. I really wanted some of the granola I made yesterday, but knew it wouldn't be the same without milk, and am a little nervous that even though honey and molasses are natural they still would spike my blood sugar and make me feel more tired. At 11:30 I finished off the Hearty Veggie Soup I made last week.  About 4:00 I had some of the Quinoa with chopped veggies, I made last night.  Then I snacked on some Tortilla chips.  Dinner was baked Tilapia with the quinua with chopped veggies on the side.  It was very simple and very tasty. I just drizzled a 2 Tablespoons butter over the top, squoze (spell check says it's not a word, but I'm gonna use it anyway) fresh lemon juice over that, sprinkled garlic powder, salt pepper, and dried parsley on top and cooked it for 20 min. That was yummy! I have to admit the quinoa with veggies I made yesterday was lacking something. My son Jacob suggested cooking the quinoa in chicken broth for more flavor.  It has potential but definitely needs some work. The Granola I made was a  hit though!!!  My kids said they would like it better if it was a little sweeter, but they still have been snacking on handfuls all night. It's a great way to get my kids to eat rolled oats, ground flax seed, wheat germ, nuts and other healthy things!

I began to wonder if now that my kids are older if they resented the fact that I never had alot of sweet snacky foods around and that I was so  health conscious. We had sweets around occasionally, but the only time I ever bought pop was if we were having a party, and I only bought sugar cereals to eat Christmas morning.  My 21 year old's response surprised me the most. He told me he was glad that he grew up that way because for awile he was choosing to eat fast food and junk food alot and he was aware of how yucky it was making him feel and that people that eat that way all the time probably don't realize how yucky they feel.

All in all it was a day of realizing I still have a lot to learn about cooking healthier and what spices to use to make it yummy.  If any of you have come across any cookbooks or websites you like I would love to hear about them!

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