Transformation Energywork

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Candida Diet Day 15: Take one day at a time.

July 1997

I have been going through 25 years of pictures, with the hope that I can sort them out, organize them, and start creating digital books of our family history.   I have the pictures sorted by child now I need to take that child's pictures and organize them chronologically and then start to scan them in and make a book for each child.  Matt, my oldest,  is 23 (the son sitting on my lap) so his book alone feels like an overwhelming task, and one that I will just have to plug away at one event at a time, one Sunday at a time. (If anyone has done this and has tips, please, lets talk!)

That is the same way I have had to do this diet.  When I started off and I thought about 30 days without, sugar, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and 21 days without dairy, bread, and fruit, it felt overwheming. Fear would start to come out and I would begin to wonder what am I going to eat. I am a person that loves change and variety, and eating same things day after day would not work for me. But as I  have taken it one day at a time, moment by moment, and trusting that inspiration, recipes, and whatever else I needed to do this would come. I have been extremely blessed and with assistance from God and a lot of support from all of you. Each day has become more of an adventure of what am I going to create to eat today?  It has been easier than I thought it would be, and as my hormones have evened out and I feel like myself for the first time in I can't tell you how long it has even been rewarding.  

I am learning that in all areas of my life, that taken day by day, changing what I can, letting go of  and/or accepting what I can't and trusting that it will all work out in the end, makes life doable,  even enjoyable, and rewarding.

What's been on my plate today? Leftovers.
My day started out with a cucumber out of my garden, and then a left over buckwheat waffle with peanut butter on it from dinner last night.  That lasted me till 3:00 when I came home and ate a Thai Chicken Wrap (recipe in Day 14 of RECIPES in the tool bar) from yesterdays lunch. Then I have been snacking on left over carrots, cucumbers, and celery from the veggie tray I made for the wedding luncheon on Saturday. Tonight I am going to a Relief Society Salad Social.  I was hoping to get a salad made so I for sure would have something to eat but it is in 25 min, so I better hurry.  I will finish off the night with Yoga at 8:00 taught by Sarah Horne at the karate school. Can't wait!  Yoga night is always a night of the best sleep ever!

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