Transformation Energywork

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Walking In Partnership With Christ

As I was praying this morning, asking for guidance and direction in my life I had this knowing that Christ wants to be in equal partnership with me. He doesn't want to walk infront of me making every decision for me, he doesn't want to walk behind me, only being included till I am in a crisis, nor does he want to be shut out and excluded from my life. He wants to walk beside me, supporting me as my brother as well as my Savior and friend.

 Each and everyone of us was born with the light of Christ. As it says in D&C 88:11, "And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickenth your understandings." We as spiritual sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father were tutored, and given all the knowledge needed for this earthly journey in the pre-existence. Within each and everyone of us is the knowledge of who we are, where we came from, what our missions are on this earth, and how to get back to him. However, our Father in Heaven put a veil in place in our minds so that knowledge has to be sought after and rediscovered. When we hear and are reminded of that pure knowledge our bosoms will burn, and we will know we are remembering truth. We will know that we are on the right path,  making good decisions, and living true to who we are.

The key to being able to feel that light is that we have to be engaged in life. A ship can not be guided as long as it is in port. Only when it is sailing can it be guided and directed towards its destination. There are many who are so afraid of making a mistake or doing something wrong that they give their power away to Christ, wanting him to make all their decisions for them, not moving till they are told what their next step is. They spend their time feeling frustrated and confused, deciding that they just must not be important enough to get answers to their prayers. Others, for one reason or another are disconnected from their light. They feel that they have to do everything themselves. That God and Jesus are not there.  Either they don't exist or they don't care and they live their lives independent of turning to that light inside them which is connected to our Heavenly Father for guidance and direction. Instead they rely on logic, and worldly influences to make their decisions. Wondering why they feel so lost, disconnected, and life is so hard.

Neither of those scenarios works very well if we want to live a happy and fulfilling life. Life is meant to be challenging. It is meant to have opposition and heartache. But it is much easier if we don't sail it alone. Sometimes we have to leave the safety of our port and start sailing before we can get that confirmation that we are going the right direction. There are times when we might sail off course, or have to sail through rough seas. Gratefully, each and everyone of us has the light of Christ within us. It is our compass and will direct us on our journey. Each of our journeys are different. No one will have the same life's experiences as the next, but we all have one common purpose. To let our light shine before men, that others may see our good works and glorify our Father which is in Heaven. (Matthew 5:16) It is through our works that we fulfill our mission and feel fulfilled in life and have joy. And as we are told in Nephi 2:25 "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy."

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