Transformation Energywork

Monday, February 24, 2014

Thoughts Create Your Energy

The degree that satan can have any power over us is directly related to our self worth. It's when we feel less than and not enough that we look for ways to fill that hole inside us. It might be an unhealthy relationship, an addiction of any kind, body issues, over serving, over doing, the list could go on and on.

It's our low self worth that keeps that bully called negative talk going in our heads 24/7 and leads to fear, doubt, anxiety, and depression. When you love your self you no longer are willing to stand for that self abuse and you will feel whole and complete, which by the way, is really the definition of perfection. You won't need to numb the pain or expect someone else to complete you. So today silence the bully! Quit falling for its lies! If they were the truth it would resonate with your spirit and you wouldn't feel so bad inside.

Could it be that if we all could love ourselves satan would be bound because he would no longer have any control over us? There would not be a way to make us feel bad, sick, or wrong or to tempt us to do things that lower our light. That it would totally open up the space to feel our Heavenly Fathers love and the love of our brother, Jesus Christ and our light would shine so bright that all of our works would glorify our God which in heaven?

What one negative thought do you think on a daily basis that if you no longer bought into it and allowed it to affect how you feel about yourself would make a huge difference in your self worth? What opposite positive thought could you create a positive affirmation around to stop that bully in its tracks? A thought That would give you more courage to be the beautiful person God KNOWS you to be.

Take inventory today. I promise it will come up. You will know when it happens. Your energy will diminish, your stomach will feel yucky, and your chest will feel tight. Maybe it's an event that if you process why it upset you, you will get to the core negative belief it triggered and that is why it upset you.

Once you're clear on what negative belief or emotion you are allowing to let control how you feel about yourself use a positive affirmation to defend yourself against that bully. It will be your sword of truth, defending the essence of who you really are. A SON OR DAUGHTER OF GOD WITH INFINITE WORTH AND VALUE!

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