Transformation Energywork

Monday, April 14, 2014

Do You Have A Heartwall?

Many times in my practice I find that people put up a heart wall. This is a fortress that we build around are heart when we have been badly hurt. Some walls can be miles thick.

The paradox is that the belief that they have to keep people at a safe distance keeps the pain from the hurt locked inside. It keeps anyone away that might be able to love them enough to heal the pain, especially God. It also keeps them from being able to really love others.

So in reality this wall is only protecting them from love flowing out and love coming in and the hurt festers and the pain only escalates.

For some this leads to numbing the pain with alcohol, drugs, porn, food, exercise, T.V., video games, or what ever their brain and Satan tricks them into thinking it will fill the void.

For others the price is relationships that don't work, loneliness, the absence of feeling the power of God in their life.

Whatever the price, it's costly. It's a false belief and lowers their light, the light of Christ, the only real protection we have.

When our light is low Satan has a lot more power over us than when it is bright. He can't come into the light.

Getting rid of the beliefs that are creating a heart-wall so you can let it go is actually easier than the chaos and havoc a heart-wall creates.

If you are wondering if you have a heart wall go to my website and schedule a free mini-session and if you do I will help you to get rid of your heart wall so you can create healthier and happier relationships.

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