Transformation Energywork

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Perfect Love Casteth Out All Fear

As I was reading this morning and read the phrase that "pure love casts out all fear," it practically jumped off the page. I have a sticky note on my desk that says, "what would I do today if I had no fear?" Fear is a thief. It steals our personal power, and keeps us bound by our own insecurities. The core of every insecurity is one of four things. Fearing what others might think of us, fear of not being loved, fear of failing, and feeling unworthy of love, and the abundance God has for us. Pure  love, loving ourselves as Christ  does, gives us us  the personal power to live our truth no matter what others think. Being pure love cancels out judgement which allows us to love ourselves and others and us to feel others love for us.  It  allows us to believe in ourselves while allowing us to make mistakes and learn from them as we strive to reach our goals and do hard things. Last the pure love of Christ gives us pure knowledge that there is nothing that we have to do, prove, or be, to be worthy of his love. It allows us to live a life of faith and gratitude which makes life truly abundant!

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