Transformation Energywork

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Mysteries of the Heart

Please watch this 2:34 minute video on the Mysteries of the Heart
(If the above video does not show up in your e-mail 
please click on the title of this blog to learn the 
powerful role your heart plays in your life.)

Every day, every moment of the day we are experiencing emotions. As you saw in the video science is discovering that these emotions originate in the heart and then are processed by our brain. Whether these emotions are positive or negative greatly affect our life, health, and those around us.  Positive emotions create peace and harmony in our lives, proven by the even smooth rhythm of our heart beat. Negative emotions create havoc, stress, and unrest in our lives proven by the irregular chaotic heart beat. The emotions that we carry in our heart also greatly affect our energy field and what we are putting out and getting back from the world. This is also called the Law of the Harvest or Karma.

Many times we are not even aware of the negative energy we carry because we have lived with it for so long that it feels comfortable. All we know is that we are unhappy and unfulfilled in life. Many times it was created from events that happened even as long ago as your birth.  I realized that part of the reason I struggled so much with self worth is because my mom became pregnant with me when she was 47 years old and was  not happy about it.  I spent 9 months in the womb knowing that I wasn't wanted.  Then from that point on every time something negative would happen in my life it would validate and subconsciously add a brick to my wall of feeling unimportant, not enough, and less than.  My head would constantly be telling me that no matter how hard I try I will never be good enough, that my husband really couldn't love someone like me, that I was a horrible mother, that I am a failure, that it doesn't make a difference whether I am here or not, that life isn't fair.

  Take a moment and get in touch with the thoughts and mental chatter that plays in your head.  Is it positive or negative? Does it make you feel good about yourself and create peace in your heart, or does create overwhelm, feelings of not being enough, anger, bitterness, or a pity party? Are your thoughts creating positive or negative Karma?

There are many ways  to heal and create more positive emotions. One of the biggest is to live in a state of gratitude, recognizing and focusing on the abundance and blessings in our life instead of the problems. Forgiveness is also a huge tool of healing.  When we hold onto grudges, resentment, and bitterness, it hold us hostage and keeps us in bondage from experiencing peace and joy. Letting go of judgement and being charitable, which is seeing ourselves and others thru the pure love of Christ. This means that we look for and focus on the good in ourselves and others, which when you think about it is a great way to serve mankind.

What negative emotions are you tired of feeling and are ready to release? What positive feelings do you want instead? Take a moment and write down any negative emotions you have experienced today and then beside them write the opposite positive emotion. Ask God to help you learn how to create more of what you do want and less of what you don't want. Be aware of people in your life that emulate those emotions and make them your teachers.  If  you want to speed up the process schedule an energy session, I would love to help you create peace and wholeness in your life. You will be amazed at what one session can release, and how you will feel lighter and more at peace.

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