Transformation Energywork

Monday, September 8, 2014

I Will Not Be A Casualty of Fear!

I love it when universal life tools manifest during a session! With this clients permission I want to share an amazing tool for overcoming fear, anxiety, and depression.

I have learned from my own struggles with depression that when I am depressed it is because I have been giving my power away and usually it has something to do with control or the lack of, and fear.
This particular client spent the week not really being a able to function because she had been giving 60% of her power away through negative thoughts to things she felt like she had no control over. Any machine doesn't work very well when it's only functioning at 40% of its capacity!

As we dug into it further I helped her to realized the following pattern that has been creating a lot of dysfunction in her life: 

Wanting to control something or someone outside of her.

Which leads to.....


which leads to....

Feeling frantic and anxious

which leads to...

Being disconnected from herself and the spirit 

which leads to...

Inability to make wise decisions 

which leads to.... 

Feeling stuck 

which leads to....

Depression, hopelessness, and despair

Which leads to...

Physically and mentally not having the energy to effectively function in life.

So here is the tool!

Now that she is aware of this she can choose to stop the insanity by tuning into when she is feeling powerless and out of control before it gets to the disconnection and depression stage by asking.....

What is it I am trying to control that I can't?

Then ask...

Who and/or what am I blaming for this issue? (that only keeps the negative energy going)
Then ask...

How can I use the atonement of Jesus Christ to help me forgive who I need to forgive (usually it's yourself) and to give me strength? If you look up grace in the bible dictionary it says, "the main idea of the word is divine means of help or strength, given through the bounteous mercy and love of Jesus Christ."

Then ask...

If I was to look at this situation through eyes of faith and trust instead of fear and doubt what would I see differently about this situation?

Then ask....

What is within my power to change and what do I need to let go of and turn over to God trusting that all is in divine order for everyone's growth and learning?

Boom! You are back to receiving the power that faith brings into your life rather than giving your power away to fear, hopelessness, and depression.

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