Transformation Energywork

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Gods Crayon Box

 God’s Crayon Box
by Janette VanLeer

I sat at my desk one day
feeling lonely, sad, and depressed.
My heart was aching, my shoulders heavy,
and my life seemed to be a great big mess.
I cried out, “God, what is the point, why am I here?”
“Is there a purpose I’m on this earth?”
“I feel so small, insignificant, unimportant,
and of very little worth.”
Sitting on my desk was a box of crayons
full of colors of every different hue.
I sat and stared at them,
wondering what I should do.
Is there more to life than what I can see?
Do I really matter?
Is there a part for me to play?
I am sick of feeling so beaten and so battered!
I took out the green and drew some grass,
and blue to shade the sky.
I added a yellow circle for the sun,
and purple became a mountain, majestic and high.
Then, I drew circles with purple, blue, and orange,
nestled within the blades of grass,
and created a beautiful meadow of flowers.
I began to see at last.

 Each and every single crayon in my box
is beautiful and unique.
And, its individual color
plays its own part, making my drawing complete.
But only when they get out of the box,
and are willing to do their part,
can they add their essence to my drawing
and complete my work of art.
God’s plan, I began to see,
is for me to understand and know
that the trials I was experiencing
were there for me to grow.
For each and every one of us
is precious in His sight,
and all He asks of each of us
is to learn and share our light.
He has blessed each one of us
with gifts and talents that are divine.
We fulfill the measure of our creation
when we let them shine.
I know that each and everyone
is a color in God’s grand design.
And if we will trust and let Him guide us
He will create a masterpiece in time.

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