Transformation Energywork

Monday, January 7, 2013

Happiness Is More Than A Choice

     These last few weeks I have had two experiences with two dear friends that have changed my belief about what it takes to be happy. In the many self help books I have read the underlying message is that you are as  happy as you choose to be.  While I agree that mindset plays a big role it has become very clear that the kind of happiness that is long lasting and is accompainied by peace takes and added ingredient and takes more than just changing your mind set.
      Both of these friends have had, and are currently experiencing great trials in their life. But, as I was listening to a talk given by one friend in church he said that this was the best December he has ever had. As he said it you knew he was happy and at peace. While having a conversation with the other friend she was telling me how unhappy she was and how she feels like life  has treated her unfairly.  As I was pondering my experiences with both of these dear friends I wondered what made the difference. Why was one happy and the other miserable, when they both were experiencing hard things?  Boom! It  hit me like a ton of bricks. My friend that is happy, it is obvious that he has a close relationship with God and Jesus Christ.  Instead of being angry over his circumstances he has chosen to be submissive to Gods will.  This has brought him great peace. My friend that is miserable frequently asks the question, "Why me?".  She has some anger towards God for her circumstances and feels that life hasn't been fair. I don't want to make this person out to be a bad person. She is a sweet, kind person.  But struggles in putting her trust in the Lord and choosing to create a strong relationship with God and the Savior.  
     So what did I learn from this? What is the secret to happiness? What made the difference in one friend being happy despite his trials and the other one being miserable because of them.  The degree that we know God and Jesus and allow their love to work miracles in our lives is the degree that we will be happy and have peace.

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