Transformation Energywork

Monday, March 28, 2016

Courage vs. Fear

Can I let you in on a little secret?

 Fear is a part of EVERYONE'S life. I don't care who you are, everyone has fears of some sort and fear will always be a part of life.   The problem with fear is that most people let it immobilize them and hold them hostage from reaching their dreams.

We all have a comfort zone. That place that we tell ourselves feels safe but is it really?  As you look at the chart below and see the emotions in the yellow circle that are created when someone is living inside their  comfort zone are those emotions really comforting?

 I ask you to get deeply honest with yourself and acknowledge which of those things are you currently experiencing? Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Settling for less than you are really worth? Worrying all the time about, "What if?" Feeling stuck, but also afraid of moving forward? Honestly, are any of those feelings truly comfortable?

Recently, I was at a Global Wealth Conference. Amy Walker, an amazing entrepreneur and business mentor, helped me to realize that being in my comfort zone produces just as much fear as getting out of it does. The only difference is that staying in my comfort zone just creates more of the same results that I am currently getting. By choosing to step into and through the fear that takes me outside my comfort zone will create the opportunity for growth, to experience new possibilities, and the ability to experience more of the feelings that you see outside of the yellow circle that represents your comfort zone. Which results would you rather experience?

Ambrose Redmoon said that, "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than the fear." If your child was in danger would you sit and focus on all the things that could happen to you if rescued your child or would you focus on getting your child safe? I realize that is a "DUH!" question. Of course, you would focus on taking the action necessary to get your child to a safe place. Your adrenaline might be so high that you wouldn't even take the time to consider all the things that could go wrong.

However, take a minute and think about a fear you currently have about something you want to do or be. When making a decision it is wise to weigh out the pro's and cons but are you spending more time focusing on the "what if's" rather then the benefits if it was successful?

Another thing Amy taught me is that sometimes you have to be willing to be terrible at something before you get good at it. If you think of a baby learning to walk, in the beginning they are really terrible walkers. But because they keep trying eventually they get good at it. Letting the fear of looking stupid, or failing stops many from doing something they might actually, over time, be really good at and get a lot of satisfaction from doing it.

As I said earlier, everyone has fears. Those who succeed in reaching their dreams spend their time focusing on what they want, where they are going and finding the solutions to get there. When a fear comes up instead of allowing themselves to focus on all the "what if's" that would keep them from moving forward they are more focused on the results if the outcome were positive not the outcome if they fail.

What you focus on becomes bigger! So why not spend time thinking about creating bigger positive results in your life instead of creating bigger and bigger fears?!

If you find that fear is continually keeping you from really creating the life that you want to live it may be time to get to the root of the false beliefs that are creating those fears by having a Transformational Energy Session. If you have never had an energy session then go to and book your free Mini-session. If you have had energy work before it may be time for an "energy tune-up." and you can use the same link to book your 90 minute energy session. 

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