Transformation Energywork

Monday, December 14, 2015

Happy Holidays = Giving + Receiving
How can we truly have joy this holiday season? By being a good giver as well as a receiver. 

It is a natural law in the universe that in order for there to be a giver there must be a receiver.  For life to flow optimally we must allow ourselves to benefit from both in our lives. When the scales are tipped too far or too long in one area or the other, ones health, relationships and even finances will suffer.

The key to experiencing the full joy that comes from giving and receiving is utilizing the greatest power on earth, unconditional love for yourself as well as others.  

There are many out there who  are trying so hard to create self-worth by giving, they give so much that they are depleted. Their energy is that of a martyr. Yet, because their self-worth is conditional on giving, giving, giving, they won't allow another's love to fill their cup by receiving the service offered to them. Even with a compliment. If someone gives them a compliment they push it away because they don't accept that it's truth. It's like someone giving you ten dollars and not believing that the money they are giving you has value and just throwing it away. Subconsciously, they have a false belief that allowing others to serve them makes them selfish or weak. Then when others do serve them it actually depletes their cup even more. 

Then there are those that are only willing to give if they will get something in return. This also stems from low-self worth because they base their worth on how willing others are to do things for them. 

Finally,there are those that are people pleasers and can't say, "no" for fear of making the other person mad or not being liked. This also creates a deficit of self-worth because the person giving feels like a martyr or even used.

For many years my mother-in-law has done a Christmas Eve brunch for her children and grandchildren. When I asked her yesterday if she was going to do it this year she honestly said that with everything she had on her plate she didn't feel up to it this year. I admired her for her honesty and it allowed my husband and I the opportunity to serve as we told her we would do it this year. She showed herself unconditional love by not pushing herself past her limits and we could also be unconditionally loving by keeping the family tradition that so many look forward to. 

When someone gives from a space of unconditional love with no expectation of wanting something in return it opens up the space for the receiver to truly feel loved and valued. Only when love is unconditionally given is it able to be unconditionally received. This allows both the giver and the receiver to feel the joy of feeling unconditionally loved.

This holiday season it is my wish that you are able to give and receive the greatest gift of all, unconditional love, which is the pure love of Christ, whom this season is really about.

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