Transformation Energywork

Monday, February 22, 2016

Are You Giving Your Agency Away?

Along with self-worth, personal power is the epicenter of important character traits to possess. Someone who is constantly giving his or her power away really doesn't have agency.  The "who" or the "what" they are giving their agency to has all the power.

The most common "what," a person will give their power away to is negative self-talk. The minute you believe what that big bully in your mind is telling you your power is taken over with feelings of doubt, fear, and low-self worth.  It is impossible to grow, move forward and work towards manifesting your potential with those emotions controlling your thoughts.

Negative self talk usually accompanies negative feelings towards yourself or others. This takes away your power to unconditionally love yourself and others. Love is the greatest power on earth so giving your power to any emotions that don’t create love will take away your agency to feel happy and peaceful. I know this may sound a little too "Pollyanna" but when you realize that hanging onto a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the person you have the grudge against to get sick, you will realize you are only hurting yourself. It's perfectly OK to be angry, resentful, hateful, or whatever the emotion is. Feel it, process through it, but hanging onto it for a long period of time only destroys your health and mental well being.

An obvious "what" that people give their power away to are addictions. They come in many forms that people are not always aware of such as being addicted to how many likes you get on a Facebook post to feel loved and valued or to emotions like anger, hate, overwhelm, and fear. Sugar is also a highly addictive substance that few can live without and is a huge trigger for depression and anxiety.  It doesn't matter if someone is addicted to drugs, alcohol, porn, electronics, food, sex etc. they all take away the ability to feel the spirit, love yourself, and have healthy relationships.

The last "what" I'm going to touch on are those that are constantly giving their power away to fear. Fear is Satan's greatest tool because it will stop your progression in its tracks. Fear makes you feel powerless, hopeless, and even helpless. It is one of the biggest agency thief's because it holds you hostage to whatever you are afraid of with unending, limiting, false beliefs as well as debilitating anxiety.

Then there are all the "who's" that people give their power away to. Again there are the obvious ones, those that give their power away in controlling or abusive relationships. But the less obvious ones are people pleasers that are constantly giving away their power because they fear if they don't please that person they won't be liked, and/or loved. Or the approval seeker that does whatever it takes to gain another’s approval.

You also give your power away when you allow others to make you feel less than, stupid, embarrassed, ugly, fat, poor, etc. No one can hurt your feelings or make you feel anything without your permission. You are the one that is choosing to be over-sensitive, and own the negative label or feedback. Most of the time when someone is mean or rude to you it is really a mirror of how they feel about themselves and really has nothing to do with you. When you choose to take it on its like taking their dirty laundry and choosing to wear it.

People also give their power away to an illness. They talk about the illness like a possession such as my depression, or my cancer. This takes away all hope of healing from it or at the very least controlling it. You notice no one ever says, "My flu." The flu is something most people heal from. But when people talk about cancer, an illness that isn't always healed they say, "my cancer." or if they are experiencing depression they will say, "my depression."  Instead of claiming an illness or disease as yours use the words, "The (illness) that I am currently experiencing." That gives your body permission to accept that it is something that is affecting your life in the present, but can be controlled or cured and may not affect your life in the future. Even if a disease is terminal it certainly doesn't define you as a person.

One of the greatest examples of someone who owned their power is Jesus Christ.  Through his meek and humble way he was true to himself and God. He lived with faith and trust in God and His divine plan. He was meek and humble even when the Sadducees and Pharisees confronted him and his character was being insulted. He did not shrink, and wasn't intimidated. He knew who he was what his mission was here on this earth and he didn't allow doubt or fear to get in his way.  He wasn't afraid to proclaim his truth nor was he afraid if others didn't like what he had to say. He lived authentically, passionately, confidently, faithfully, and lovingly. He was spiritually centered which made him strong in faith, steadfast through trials, and immovable in living true to his mission.

Being Christ-like is our ultimate goal, but most likely a goal that we will not master in this life. However, by taking an honest look at the emotions, addictions, or people that you are giving your power away to is the first step to reclaiming your agency in that area of your life.

If you would like assistance in finding the emotions, addictions, or people you are giving your power away to energy work is a way to speed up the discovery process. Your energy knows what is creating any disfunction in your life. I have the gift of getting to the answers as well as giving you to the tools to change it.

 If you are a first time client book a FREE mini-session to experience the power of energy work for yourself. If your currently a client it may be time for a tune-up! I'd love to see you!


Saturday, March 5th from 10:30 to 1:00
at The Kaysville Martial Arts Academy
located at 341 N. Market Street in Kaysville

Seating is Limiited!
Register Here To Save Your Seat!

Five Reasons You Want To 

Learn How To Talk To Your 

Body Through Muscle 


  1. To take the guesswork out of determining what foods you are allergic to.
  2. To determine what foods your body responds the best so that you can be healthy and have lots of energy.  
  3. To determine which supplements your body needs, how much to take, and when is the best time of day to take them.
  4. Checking where your emotional vibration is at each and every day and knowing what to do to raise it when it's low.
  5. To determine what trapped emotions are creating feelings of fear, depression, anxiety, stuckness etc. as well as how to clear them.
  6. To determine the vibration of things such as books, movies, and foods so you can determine if they are worth spending your money on.
 Your spirit knows what you need to experience more health, happiness, and wholeness. Muscle testing is an easy way to tune into your body mind and spirit and access the information that is stored there. 

It's easier to learn than you think and is an amazing tool to have!

By the end of Saturday's class you will:
  • begin to be able to tune into your body to get the information stored in your energy field.
  • know the right questions to ask the body to get good answers.
  • be given a list of books I use along with muscle testing to get valuable information about my health.
  • be given the Transformation Code© emotion chart to help you determine your trapped emotions.
  • know how to clear trapped emotions in your own body.
  • learn how to protect yourself from taking on others negative emotions.
This class is 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed! If you are not thrilled with the information you received by the end of class I will refund your money.

So what have you got to lose?