Transformation Energywork

Monday, January 4, 2016

A New Perspective On Weaknesses!

If there was one thing that I could just wave a magic wand and shift for my clients it would be to get them to put away the beat-up stick. Beating yourself up for your mistakes, shortcomings, and forgetfulness does NOTHING except lower your vibration which disconnects you from God, yourself, and the spirit, creating anger, sadness, guilt, shame and self-loathing. Not a recipe for healthy personal growth!

But since I don't have a magic wand the next best thing that I can do is to share with you a different, healthy way to look at your weaknesses. What if you looked at your weaknesses as an opportunity to learn powerful, universal truths, to grow in wisdom and knowledge, to develop emotional muscles of determination, perseverance, and Christ-like love? Gifts that will allow you to build a solid foundation of trust in yourself and God, which will result in confidence and self-worth. A gift everyone desires, but can only be created from the inside out. A gift where the receiver can only be the giver.  

First off, lets define what a weakness is. A weakness is a habit, a character flaw, or lack of wisdom that creates a result in your life that isn't what you really want. Weaknesses come from three sources. They are either a pattern handed down from previous generations, a false belief (which can be a generational), or just plain lack of experience or knowledge. For instance one of my biggest weaknesses that I have worked to overcome is being a control freak. This is something that is generational within my family especially on my dads side. I wanted everything to be my way, and on my time frame. My false belief was that if everyone would just do what I said, when I said, and how I said that life would work and we all would be happy and successful. Well the reality is my desire for control just created anger, resentment and feelings of low-self worth within my children, husband, and myself. Creating the result that we all felt like failures, and no one was happy. 

So what are the gifts in all of that pain and agony you might wonder?  About 10 years ago my husband and I attended a training where it was brought to my attention that this was the main reason why my life and especially my relationships were in shambles.  Which created the first gift I received-- humility, which is the ability to be teachable. I was in enough pain that I was willing to get down on my knees and ask God to help me learn how to overcome this weakness.  This opened me up to attract the the perfect experiences, the perfect people, and the perfect books and articles to help me learn new, healthier ways of thinking and feeling about things.  

The second gift is I'm learning to let go of what I can't change, turning it over to God and trusting that it will all work out in divine order. I also am learning to not let the results of the things that I can't change or that are out of my control, especially with my children, affect my self-worth. Basing my worth and value on the performance of myself or others is where pride resides, and creates emotional chaos! Only having worth when things go well and having no worth when they don't!

The third gift I'm learning is how to be more unconditionally loving. If my worth isn't based on anything outside myself and is grounded on the solid foundation that God loves me NO MATTER WHAT then it is much easier to love myself dispite my faults and shortcomings. It also allows me to have patience and compassion towards myself while I learn new things and work on refining the areas where I fall short due to, character flaws, bad habits, or lack of knowledge. 

The last and best gift of all is that this experience has created the empathy that allows my coaching clients a safe space to be human and vulnerable so that they can clear out their generational patterns and false beliefs making it easier to work on and overcome their weaknesses. I have also learned many tools that I can pass onto my coaching clients so that their journey gain more happiness and fulfillment in their life can happen in months and not years. 

The biggest lesson I have learned is that as I am willing to be humble and ask God how to turn a weakness into a strength, and be patient and compassionate towards myself,  I receive the opportunity to learn and grow, and be fulfilled in the journey. Creating a place to be happy today, as a work in progress, not when I'm perfect!



There is a reason why great athletes hire a coach to help them grow and learn the skills necessary to do well in their chosen sport. A good coach has had the life experiences necessary to help the athlete reach their goals and will provide the support and tools to teach the athlete new skills as well as a winning mindset. He will also hold him or her accountable to do the work to get the results they desire.

Living a spiritually centered life is the key to emotional stability, self worth, confidence, financial abundance, as well as happy and healthy relationships.  Over the last few years I have learned many tools and gotten rid of many false beliefs that have helped me to create a healthier mindset which has drastically changed my life! I no longer am depressed, feel worthless, overwhelmed and unhappy. In fact in 2015 I was able to double my income which allowed my husband to quit a job he hated last February, and go back to school and update his skills. I would have never been able to do this without the tools that have changed my mindset that I am going to share with you in this 10 week group coaching program!

This opportunity will only be available to the first 10 people that e-mail me and tell me that they want in!

In the next 10 weeks you will learn:

  1. The power of living from a spiritual mindset in a temporal world!
  2. How to create self-worth on a solid foundation that doesn't go up and down depending your performance or how you are treated!
  3. How to create joy in the journey!
  4. How to live with pure intention!
  5. To fully utilize the Law of the Harvest!
  6. The power in gratitude!
  7. Prayer + Meditation + Faith + Committed Action = Success!
  8. Forgiveness for self and others!
  9. To make friends with time!
  10. The 4 steps to lower the stress in your life.
Start your week out right by joining me for a one hour coaching call from the comfort of your home, or office via webinar. (You will be able to participate each week by computer or cell phone.) Each webinar will be recorded so if you are unable to attend live you can listen to it later at your convenience.  However, only those listening live will be able to get their questions answered and have their false beliefs cleared during the group energy clearing.  This is an unheard of coaching opportunity because anyone currently living in your home may listen to the recordings! This means your whole family can benefit!

Each week we will go over the homework from the previous week and answer any questions you may have. Then I will teach you how to make that weeks topic a solid part of your life. Next, I will do a group clearing to find any generational patterns and false beliefs that may be in your way of being able to incorporate this principle into your life as well as answer any questions you may have and give you the exercises to incorporate the topic that week into
your life.

Coaching calls will be held every Monday at 12:00 P.M.  

Starting Monday, January 11th.
I would also be willing to do a Tuesday night call at 7:00 if there was enough interest. If you would prefer Tuesday evenings please email me at

To reserve your spot e-mail me at I will send you an invoice via PayPal to make paying for your coaching easy! You will have the option to pay a one time fee of $199.00 or you can make two payments four weeks apart of $110.00.

Remember I am only taking the first 10 people that tell me that they want in. So don't take too long to make up your mind!

Do you want to create even bigger results? Then read on for my individual coaching program! 
Start the new year out on the right foot with my 8 week individual coaching program! By coaching with me for 8 weeks you will be given the opportunity to peel away the layers that are keeping you stuck in any and all areas of your life as well as learn how to incorporate powerful tools and life-skills to create the success you desire in 2016.

I am currently running a special for $50 off my 8 week coaching package for anyone that is willing to commit and put $200 down by January 15th!

If you are ready to take your life in whole new and exciting way then go to and book your mini-session today. Or call me at 801-628-4880. This will give you the opportunity to experience my technique first-hand and make sure that it is the right fit for you.

By going to my website and clicking on CLIENT EXPERIENCES you can read many testimonials of satisfied clients.