Transformation Energywork

Friday, September 20, 2013

Life Lessons at 45

Life Lessons at 45

1.     What every human being wants more than anything else is to be loved and accepted just the way they are.  We can always be more than we are, but to know the way we are at the moment is enough to those we love is a priceless gift.

2.     If you think it is your spouses, Gods, or anyone else responsibility to make you happy you will always be disappointed. Happiness comes from within.

3.     Never underestimate the difference that you make in someone’s life.

4.     Living in faith is a lot less stressful than living in fear.

5.     Be in the now. Living in the past only brings regret, and living in the future only brings anxiety and discontentment.

6.     It's a lot easier to get answers from my Heavenly Father when I actually take the time to listen with an open heart.

7.     Living the gospel is like taking piano lessons.  All God expects from us to practice it every day. Some days practice goes better than others, but as long as we don't quit we will always improve over time. Whether we are skilled enough to play in Carnegie Hall isn't important. It's growing in love and admiration for the teacher and the music to the point that we practice because we want to, not because we have to that matters in this life and the next.

8.     It is through our trials that we become more Christ like because it gives us understanding and empathy for others. Empathy creates charity for others and charity is the pure love of Christ.

 9.   The less you criticize and judge, and the more you love, serve, forgive,  let go of the past, and love, others AND YOURSELF the happier you will be.