Transformation Energywork

Monday, December 17, 2012

Just BE

By Janette VanLeer

Be ye therefore perfect is Gods command to me
It seemed quite overwhelming till I came to understand the “BE”

I realized that everything I desire is found,
when I just "BE" simple blessings abound.

For when I quiet my ego minds incessant chatter,
and live from the essence of my spirit and what really matters,

I "BE” faith, for God is always there to help me out,
and I shift from a state of fear or doubt.

 I “BE” unconditional love and receive all the love that God hast.
Then judgment of others and myself becomes a thing of the past.

I “BE” charity, serve others,  for God always fills my cup.
 I quit feeling sorry for myself and that I will never measure up.

I “BE” hope and I find the strength to continue smiling.
I am no longer discouraged and wonder why I keep trying?

I “Be” obedient, submissive and peace comes to stay.
I let go of stubbornness and doing things my way.

Sometimes I forget and I feel turmoil, pain, and stress
My ego mind takes over and life feels like a big mess.

But when I am humbled and drop to my knees
My answer from God is always to “BE”.

To “BE” and live each day from my essence,
I make wise decisions and can “BE” in Gods presence.

My spirit is radiant for I have the pure love of Christ.
To live and just “BE” really is the spice of life.