Transformation Energywork

Monday, October 15, 2012

I Am A Pumpkin!

I recently got a cute e-mail from my sister that compared us to a pumpkin with God as the Master carver.  It began with the question, “What is it like to be Christian?”  Then it went on to say that being a Christian is like being a pumpkin. God picks you from the pumpkin patch opens you up and begins to scoop all the yucky stuff out of you. Then he carves you a new smiling face and puts his light inside you for all the world to see.

 When we really love and trust God enough to turn our will over to Him then  he will help us scoop out all the slimy stuff inside that isn’t serving us like  fear, judgment, bitterness,  guilt, sadness, low self worth,  jealousy, heartache, stubbornness and pride. It is through his love and our willingness to follow him that our fear turns into faith, and judgment turns into unconditional love, and bitterness and guilt turns into forgiveness, and sadness and heartache turns into peace, and low self-worth turns into wholeness, and stubbornness and pride turn into humility.   

Then we through what ever our talents, and spiritual gifts, are will fulfill our ultimate purpose on the earth which is as Matthew 5:16 says to: